The Antlers

Stairs To The Attic

The Antlers

I decided on that evening
That I was through with sitting still
I stood up and started moving
With a childlike fascination

For those doors that don't have locks
And the stairways that were blocked
So I dug through the obstruction
Put my fist around the railing

And each step was far apart
And far away from steps before it
And the air was getting thinner
Until I couldn't breathe at all

And if I happened to look behind me
There were miles and miles of stairs
Enough so I couldn't see the doorway
But I knew that it was there

And on the last step I was dizzy
Because there were stairs in all directions
But I found another door
And through the door there was the attic

Without old clothes
Without a ceiling
Everything had opened wide
Into the jaws of something bigger
And suddenly I saw that I was

Upstairs and outside
And freezing on the roof
Finally, it had found me
The answer, the feeling, and the truth

That I'm small
That I'm small
That I'm small
I'm smaller than the smallest fireball

Eu decidi naquela tarde
Que estava cansado de ficar sentado
Eu me levantei e comecei a me mover
Com um fascínio de criança

Em direção às portas sem trincos
E as escadarias que estavam fechadas
Então eu cavei através da obstrução
Escalei a grade

E cada passo estava largo
E muito longe dos passos que vieram antes
E o ar ficava mais raso
Até eu não conseguir respirar

E se eu olhasse para trás
Eu veria milhas e milhas de escadas
O suficiente para fazer a porta desaparecer
Mas eu sabia que ela estava lá

E no último degrau eu estava tonto
Porque haviam escadas em todo canto
Mas eu encontrei mais uma porta
E através dessa porta estava o sótão

Sem roupas velhas
Sem telhado
Tudo se abriu claramente
Nas mandíbulas de algo maior
E de repente percebi que estava

No andar de cima e do lado de fora
Congelando no telhado
Finalmente, eu encontrei
A resposta, o sentimento e a verdade

Que eu sou pequeno
Que eu sou pequeno
Que eu sou pequeno
Eu sou menor que a menor bola de fogo