
This Land


This land is your land and this land is my land 
From the dirty water of the river Thames 
To the rusting cranes of the tee another tyne 
The land that's choking with wires and plugs 
Strangles with fences and stuck with knives 
Was this land made for you and me?

This town is your town and this town is my town 
From the derelict slums that are dirty and grey 
To the house on the hill in the private estate 
The places nice kids would never go 
To the places no-one else has the right to go 
Was this land made for you and me? 
Made for you and me

This street is your street and this street is my street 
From the broken phone box where the gangs all meet 
To the glass on the path that cuts your feet 
To the neighboors next door who refuse to speak 
??? To the cope in the hunter doing its bleak ??? 
Was this land made for you and me?

It's your world too you can do what you want 
It's your world too, it's your world too...