Zombie Vomit

Festering Limbs

Zombie Vomit

Crushing through your bones 
Shotgun shells of death 
Penetrating your tissue 
Directly into heart 

Festering limbs 

Torn the heart into pieces 
Crushing through the spine 
Tearing your body 
Smashing your chest 

In a second you turned into pile of meat 
crushed bones and rotting limbs 
You have reached your better form 
Lifeless pile of liver, lungs and flesh 

Get rid of your remains 
Cast the limbs in concrete 
Feed my dog with your innards 
Finally you have some use 

What's left, I'll boil 
Gray mass it will end 
Shovel the mass to the hole 
Fill it up with smashed flesh 

I am done, you are complete, 
I didn't leave evidence 
Nothing could be proven 
The perfect slaughtering 

On my way to the next one, 
You were just one among others 
Nothing special, just entertainment 
For my endless spare time