The conclave entered into the room Inside of it they sat, these cardinals of doom Their votes was unanimous The horror instantaneous Observe! Smoke from chimney, not white but red! They say it was the day that God bled. Nuns weeped, holy men cursed As they looked up onto the balcony and saw Beelzebub the First! I am the Anti-Pope I am the Anti-Pope Like a lion kills an antelope Like a hammer hits a cantaloupe I am the Anti-Pope Two thousand years ago Jesus said to his travelling show "No need for push. Do need for jostle Peter, you is my number one apostle Your name is mean rock, on you I build church No longer for successor I have need for to search" But by Judas this words was overheard And with mighty Satan he soon conferred "Oh, Prince of darkness, be not in hesitation The head of God's Church needs decapitation!" I am the Anti-Pope I am the Anti-Pope Like a lion kills an antelope Like a hammer hits a cantaloupe I am the Anti-Pope "Hey, Grim Reaper, lend me your sickle This world needs some culling, blood needs to trickle!" Prepare for the end, the Apocalypse approaches It's feast time for maggots, worms and cockroaches But here comes White Horseman, Defender of God Exposing to everyone his powerful rod! "I alone will fight for Jesus Christ With sword so sharp I can make cheeses sliced" He laughs to the Devil, he takes aim at Death And he strikes down the enemy who takes one last breath But too early the victor makes his victory roar He may win this battle, but he not win the war For, yes, Beelzebub the First is set fire to then crucifixed But next Anti-Pope is Zladko the 666th Yes, I am the Anti-Pope Like a lion kills an antelope Like a hammer hits a cantaloupe Like a neck in a hanging rope Like a germ in a microscope Like a witch reads a horoscope Like a cutter stabs an envelope I am the Anti-Pope There is no longer hope Long live Molvania!