Under wings of my resistance We require no assistance In the name of united nations They require annihilation Plague they spread across the nation Sets the path of our destination Raise the flag until damnation I am rising In the name of assassinations Wars of their own creations Time to join this new sensation And achieve realization No escape from illumination Join this congregation It's the dawn of a generation I have risen Ride and be free And then sin along Ride with the wind Where you belong Ride and be free And then sin along Maybe one day you'll be free just like me Behind the hidden doors Underneath checkered floors Bow down now and addore And then shout the battle roar Prepare for blood and gore Now starts the final war Free yourself from the shadows of the night Open up to the light Pray that he will not defeat you Don't bellow your cries in fright Succumb you will to his power Summon your deadly cry Destruct and ravish with pride Kill and murder with a smile