But the girl is drunk For the umpteenth day in a row, In love up to the ears With others' the pretty parts. A green wave Has covered her shadow, Washed out the kiss That jaws remember. The station waits for some For some they wait at home No one is waiting for her, No one wants her body. Isn't it easier to say, It's easier for her to stay mute When he walks away… But the girl is ripe, The girl is ripe, The girl is ripe, Giiiirl… On the radio FM "He" gave hellos, Ordered by her To herself. In shreds from being looked at, The "mm-hmm" magazine… She dozes in the empty apartment, Loving herself. The station waits for some For some they wait at home No one is waiting for her, No one wants her body. Isn't it easier to say, It's easier for her to stay mute When he walks away… But the girl is ripe, The girl is ripe, The girl is ripe, Giiiirl… etc…