Well don't you know I'm number one in this town but I don't mind When the girls like another guy's style But the word was on the street from the Rebel's Rock insiders There's a new kid hanging around and he calls himself the Spider And the girl's know DeNiro is a tolerant man To all the local gangs I know I like to lend a helping hand But things were getting kind of crazy and the only choice I saw Was for a drag-race at the point, we've got to lay down the law Well the moon was shining high above Rebel Point that night As Spider's Chevy slowly topped the hill He stepped out on the kerb and leaned real casual on the hood Said, "These guys been hanging 'round, look like they're up to no good" He seemed the kind of cat who likes to play it straight So I took him at his word and said, "Let's get on with the race" We jumped behind the wheels and dropped the lights down low Then the Giant dropped the flag and shouted "1-2-3-Go!" The race was neck and neck until the final curve We saw some Vipers on the line, I guess we both had to swerve We took a head-count, we were looking at a ten-versus-two Spider shrugged it off, he dug it, man, he knew what to do In three seconds flat he'd put old Jimmy on the floor The Vipers backing off, they were not liking what they saw I lit a smoke, I shook his hand, said, "Kid, I guess you're alright I wonder, son, you wanna cruise with the Zatopeks tonight?"