Hand in hand with the far reaching walls Forward moving Our destiny's called See the lines we've been walking this far All is known We're the rulers This is the spot we've been choosed to destroy Slowly melting down as we all grow old In time we'll see things would not turn on us Nothing would ever make a sound So where's the sign we were waiting for Where are the dreams we heard of so long ago What's the hurry The circle's complete Here for us in this quarantine So where's the sign Feeling good This is the safest way Everything's here and predicted to stay We'll loose nothing I can see the end There is nothing to worry about So where's the sign Where are the dreams we heard of Chorus: Nothing to miss Nothing to fear No curtain to fall When we're in here Know what's to come With no unpleasant surprise Do as we say Nothing will ever turn bad again As we're safe from the world Safe from hurting ourselves