Youko Kanno

The Bordeline

Youko Kanno

The Borderline The Borderline
The Borderline The Borderline

Red & Roses
Lips & Breath
Hair & Dolls
They're look a-like

Smoke & Mist
Night & Midnight
The deep & Hell
They really get me

Flip & Fly
Heal & Feel
Flower & Poison
are on the brink

The Borderline The Borderline
The Borderline The Borderline

Belly & jell-o
Crack & Jazz
Arch & Bridge
They're look a-like

Meet me & Hit me
Tiny & Sticky Candy
Kiss & Eating
are just same things

Free & Fall &
Love & Low
Evil make you feel good
can't help doing that

The Borderline The Borderline
The Borderline The Borderline