Yasunori Mitsuda

Time's scar

Yasunori Mitsuda

Tom: C

This song, along with the whole album and the rest of Mitsuda's work is some 
of the best music ever written, unequaled in the video game industry. Anyone 
who has ever played Chrono Cross will always remember the intro, for it had 
such a both audio and visual experience, and simply put, this song is 
awesome. After searching the web far and hard for a good guitar tab, and 
with few results, I decided to take the time and tab it out myself. I am 
positive that this tab is 100% accurate, so enjoy!


Verse 1




As for the rest of the song, it is very hard to tell if there is any guitar, 
and if there was it would simply be strumming support chords, so this is all 
for now. Email me if you have any questions, comments or advice!