
Of Blood & Stone...


The night winds of Gi Umuna have awoken me from thy slumber. They speak of the seven salts that their breezes scattered across the vast plains of Absu. And so, I drink of this abyssmal water seven hundred and twenty-six times, and the salts are made known to me.
And from the lost city of Ekurbad, a voice cries, their essence lies within the hidden flame.And so, I draw thy blade of firestone with spell & chant and thrust its essence into the earth. With heat and fire the elements reveal the arcanum and the primal power of the serpent manifests within. The forgotten ones have awoken and remembered...and with weapons they return so that the blind may fall. May the mysteries of the stone gather unto thee...
With the sevenfold powers of vitriolum and thy battle blades of yamatu, the warriors of Shadu come forth from their spaces. The forces of ancient artistry have made presence within thy human chamber. With darkened sky and blackened earth, Tsilatu spreadeth her wings over the horizon. The veils of Merodach are distilled by our sorceries and the blind are cut in twain by our blades. The cosmos has unfoldeth itself unto the union of the halves. The serpent manifests as one and the tides of victory sweep across the unseen mists. The blood is rectified unto the throne, the eye, and the stone. Behold, Asaru!