World Leader Pretend


World Leader Pretend

Once upon a time their grotesque forms crawled up the Columns 
Crept along flawless grounds 
And hung from the balconies of churches 
Which remind us of the tribulations that await its sentence 
Today these creatures mostly populate 
Hollywood horror films 
Action comic books 
Fantasy literature 
Animation and childrens' stories 
Their context has changed 
The enclitic route these have endured over these vast spans Of time 
'Monstrum' means not only the divine omen 
But also an expulsion of divine proportion 
Monsters stir fear and loathing 
And violate the natural order by sprouting appendages 
And fusing incongruous species 
And just as the universe began 
So does my pride and yours 
With a loud, and subsequent badaboom! 

B.A.D.A.B.O.O.M [X8] 

And now oh, its a slow descent really 
Eh, now you've got it 
Ah, badaboom? 

Heres the gracelet 
Must replace with 
Something far more shallow 
Heres a space with much disgrace 
Let me show you how to 
