COUNT FOSCO Miss Halcombe It is behatch I'm so terribly sorry There is no easy way to say this Your sister She is dead She was walking in her sleep MARIAN What are you saying! (sobbing) COUNT FOSCO She had sent her maid away As is her custom I understand She walked to her window And she fell from a great height you see It's a tragic accident I am so deeply sorry I am leaving for London today If you need anything Anything at all This is where you'll find me PRIEST (At the graveyard) I am the life and the resurrection Said The Lord Who so ever liveth and believeth in me Shall never die SIR PERCIVAL GLYDE How can the good Lord take my love away Far too young Far too good I have to face forever All without my love There's no describing my sadness She was the light of my life And life is so unfair Such a cross to bear Still there's the will to contend with All kinds of papers to sign I can't believe she's gone Yet we must go on LAURA's UNCLE How can you talk of business! Good God it's much too soon! SIR PERCIVAL GLYDE Of course we'll wait a bit That's appropriate LAURA'S UNCLE I'm much too overcome now My nerves are simply flayed Why don't you come to me In June SIR PERCIVAL GLYDE Marian I hope you still think of me as your brother MARIAN I don't believe a word Everything he utters is a lie I was powerless Just a woman! Too weak to save you! I have no doubt he murdered you! Laura! You were all I had I can't believe your gone Where is Walter He's the only one You and I can count upon All for Laura I will be strong I will live to right This wrong (On the Streets of London. Walter Hartright passes by a man begging on the streets) BEGGAR Spare me a penny Sir HARTRIGHT This is my last one BEGGAR Then I won't deprive you HARTRIGHT Please take it It's yours WHORE (offering hartright liquor) It takes some comfort It'll help you forget sir HARTRIGHT My thoughts and my memories are all I have left now