Ashen, berimed and worn Shivering by the shore Borne upon sheets of ice I am forlorn Bitten by frost and fright Blind in a field of white Glowering ghosts Arise Hither and nigh Great are the Swans of Gar's cold Edge Chidden by throthful eyes Wordless yet wholly wise Who for an oath that I'll Ever abide Great are the Swans of Gar's cold Edge Still are the wings that once were fledge Fair is the twin that maddens least Bound are the mouths of wiser beasts Wings of the wakeful Born of a thaw yet nigh Words of the wealsome Sworn to a soul on high Wings of the wakeful Born of a thaw yet nigh Words of the wealsome Sworn to a soul on high Wings of the wakeful Born of a thaw yet nigh Words of the wealsome Sworn to a soul on high