Still as the stars In the heavens above And slowly blossoming As a new found love Still as the night Still still the birds gently sing And soft as the wind That carries them on their wings No changes may come, People may go, with so many changes But I, I, I, I, I I love you still I'll, I'll, I'll I'll love you still Still in my mind At the end of the day And soft on my shoulder Where your head gently lays Still with me now when I think How I love you so And never trough changes Other people must go Now people may change Changes may come Theres so many changes but I, I, I, I I love you still Now I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll I love you still I lala lala lala I always will I I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll I ll love you still I lala lala lala I always will If they dried up the oceans And they blot out the sun And the world was torn into pieces I know that we'd stay as one I'll, I'll ...