I spend a good deal of my time being busy. A good portion of the rest of the time I spend being lazy. Followed by a period of guilt, for having slept those extra hours, read a few more chapters of a book, or watched a stupid movie when I could have been writing letters to all my out of town and overseas friends on a more regular and consistent basis. But the truth of the matter is, I still spend a lot of time thinking about my friends and the places I've been, and telling other friends about the amazing people and places I've been lucky enough to meet and see. These friendships, experiences and memories are some of my biggest treasures and I can't wait to both renew old ones and create new ones in the future. Nothing can erase the good times. I may not write I may not call but you're in my heart one and all so many places so many faces so many lasting memories One and All Together Standing Tall One and All United we won't fall and if I wrote a postcard it'd day "I wish I was there"