Harness the huntress inside Take her by the wings take her flying high She wasn’t isis last night She was a being of pure light Oh I sighed osiris inside Heavenly beings cut with knives Tempted by temples outside Inside the minds of the heads who have died You want to be here Lion on your grave Exploding things Crack through your head Exploring explosions in the core Envisioned by mages long ago Or is it my turn to die? Heavenly chorus sung too high Scattered like stars in the sky A shadow of wings crosses my eyes Blackness of falcon clouds comes Unfurling a night that sees not a dawn You want to be here Lion on your grave Exploding things Crack through your head Up from the lake Coming down from the moon The shrieks in the valley They even look like you As sure as the winter Bleeds in the spring Craleister owley he even knows your name