[Words: Brian & Tito, Rifs: Marco] Why do people play these games? Fuck with my head, it's all the same, push me too far, then lie and fake it. You're pushing your luck and I can't take it! Spread a rumor, put me down, You make me laugh you fucking clown. C'mon, admit it, you stabbed my back, I feel like my mind's been attacked! Two faced smile, I know you're fake, Your likes and dissin', is something I can't take, You fucked up my life, but now I'm back in place. You broke my heart so I broke your face, You live upon materialistic greed, Vicious headgames I don't need, I can't figure it out, what ist the solution, That's just life, it's mental pollution, I'm someone you can pee on, I'm not gonna be your emotional tampon, Don't use me for a stepping stone, I'm better off all alone, on my own. Do you get what I'm saying, is the message clear? Don't ignore me, listen up and hear, Or do I have to carve it on your forehead with an exacto knife? I've got my own life, don't distract me. Scar my brain, too bad you can't see that I have learned from these mistakes that I have learned not to relate with people who humiliate and betray me, and try to run my machine, because insecure, psychotic people like that are just a bad dream.