Wayne Watson

Blessed Are

Wayne Watson

Blessed are the poor in spirit; 
God has faithfully revealed 
that the riches of the kingdom 
with their souls in Christ are sealed. 

Blessed are the grieved, the weeping, 
those whose tears for others cry, 
Selfless, giving, bearing sorrow 
will be dancing by and by. 

Those who hunger and are thirsty, 
craving righteousness and life, 
won't be filled by any other, 
satisfied by none by Christ. 

Blessed are the meek, the gentle, 
no demands, no claims to rights, 
In their patience, strong and mighty 
confidence and faith in Christ. 

And to those of tender mercy, 
from them falls as gentle rain 
Grace and Kindness, sweet compassion, 
mercy given and mercy gained. 

Blessed are the true peacemakers 
with contentment for the fold. 
They cling to promises of heaven, 
working in the field of souls.