A modern boy’s best friend is his machine It took a second to admit but I’m finally coming clean What keeps me awake at night is understanding Some things weren’t meant to fall One of these days Someone will come to replace me along with the dreams I’ve got And make these modern days seem small But this time I’ll do things the way you wanted It’s not right, but it’s just the way you want it Lay it all on me, ‘cause I’m all ears They say that: This is the part where you cut your losses This is the part where you get a job This is the part where you settle for less Just like you never wanted to One more time; let’s work this out One more time; I’ve got this down One of these days Someone will come to replace me along with the dreams I’ve got Makes these modern days seem small, but This time I’ll do things the way you wanted It’s not right, but it’s just the way you want it Lay it all on me, ‘cause I’m all ears This is not the part where you cut your losses This is not the part where you get a job This is not the part where you settle for less Just like I never wanted to One of these days Someone will come to replace me along with the dreams I’ve got Makes these modern days seem small, but This time I’ll do things the way you wanted It’s not right, but it’s just the way you want it Lay it all on me, ‘cause I’m all ears