The President's feelin' real upset he hasn't passed his budget yet he hasn't even broken sweat send him down to Waco send him down to Waco His promises are wearing thin and his golden glow looks more like tin but he's still smirking cheek to chin send him down to Waco send him down to Waco They say even great men have their flaws but this one wouldn't know what greatness was if it bit him up the Arkansas send him down to Waco send him down to Waco When he got in I sure was glad but I just seen through his smooth facade He ain't Bush but he's pretty bad send him down to Waco send him down to Waco He dropped the missiles on Iraq to get his image back on track He can't bring the dead civilians back send him down to Waco send him down to Waco His wife who never received a vote seems to be the one who really steers the boat This isn't serious - this is a joke send him down to Waco send him down to Waco When the Mississippi took a twist he got out there with his publicist but there's one photo-op he missed send him down to Waco send him down to Waco Who knows what the future holds but whatever way this thing unfolds for the good of his soul send him down to Waco send him down to Waco Send him down to Waco Send him down to Waco Send him down to Waco Send him down Have him take a look around Take the kids see the sights.... History !