Ask the man on the mountain which way to run Whichever you choose will be the right one 'Twas a prince of an evening and the moon hung low I was feeling like Mordred when he struck the last blow My sword hung poised at the High King's throat He begged for no mercy but sang as he spoke : Ask the man on the mountain which way to run Whichever you choose will be the right one Twelve crooked jurors snuck in for the kill Six smelt of poison and six of pigswill The Chief said "we've got him boys cradle to crust !" Last time I looked they were sucking my dust Ask the man on the mountain which way to run Whichever you choose will be the right one Spare a thought for the wrecker when the big day comes Or pour salt on his heels as he runs, as he runs The play is only staged for a glimpse of the Guest behind the fancy dress Each one's a healer Each one's a saint Each one's a saviour There ain't no-one who ain't Each one's a Buddha Each one's a Fool Each one's a scholar at the very same school Ask the man on the mountain which way to run Whichever you choose will be the right one