


7 weeks, 7 days
7 seconds away since you're gone
Gone.. u'r gone... gone...
I'm so shallow and blue and I'm calling for you but u'r gone
Gone.. u'r gone... gone...

`Cause i know whatever i do
U are always on my mind
I wish i could bring u back tonight
And turn back the hands of time

It's been so long and I feel I'm getting numb
Missing you just drives me crazy
Bring back those days
Put a smile up on my face
Be my one and only baby…

I feel I'm dyin' inside, u could save me tonight, but u'r gone
Gone.. u'r gone... gone...
Baby tears in my eyes, it hurts to realďze that you're gone
Gone.. u'r gone... gone...

`Cause i know whatever i do
U are always on my mind
I wish i could bring u back tonight
And turn back the hands of time

It's been so long and I feel I'm getting numb
Missing you just drives me crazy
Bring back those days
Put a smile up on my face
Be my one and only baby…

London…Paris…Berlin…Athens…Stckholm…Tel Aviv…Moscow…Oslo…

It's been so long and I feel I'm getting numb
Missing you just drives me crazy
Bring back those days
Put a smïle up on my face
Be my one and only baby…

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