Axies of the faith Master of the slaves I was denied, defied My vision shattered for your purblind mind But I have foreseen The conquest of eastern lands Where wisdom dwells, monks meditates They seek salvation through spiritual transcendence I must lead the way to subjugate the realm of sages Only few rode with me to crush the sacred sect Seeing their death in blood and flesh The seekers of knowledge couldn't comprehend The bold yet barbaric desolation of their beloved Nalanda Prodigious sphere of age-old wisdom burned down to ashes Now I shall usurp the flourishing kingdoms of Banga The decrepit swayer of Gaura shan't withstand The strike of ruthless Ironborn I am the unremitting force of rupturing iron and steel My sword athirst for blood of the inglorecreant king Spreading dread with their slashing blades Ironclads breed bloodshed Sena's fled leaving the throne for trade Scarpered from their forthcoming death