Swallowed whole his gullet blacks out the Sun! Infinite darkness! A journey unspeakable! Swallowed whole his gullet blacks out the Sun! Infinite darkness! A journey unspeakable! As the dark lord grows he devours all in his path! As the dark lord grows he dooms all unto damnation All the dark lord knows is his hunger for power All the dark lord knows is consume and become omnipresent! Darkness enshrouds humanity Within a shadow of uncertainty Travelling through the endless abyss As the abyss stares back at us! Countless aversions drawn behind the curtains, forgotten illusions defying all gods Lying awake under infinite darkness Nightmares leak into reality! Countless aversions drawn behind the curtains, forgotten illusions defying all gods Lying awake under infinite darkness Nightmares now reality! The shadowy descent of Gaia! The shadowy descent of Gaia! Descend into darkness Swallowed whole his gullet blacks out the Sun! Infinite darkness! A journey unspeakable! Swallowed whole his gullet blacks out the Sun! Infinite darkness! A journey unspeakable! As the dark lord grows he devours all in his path! As the dark lord grows he dooms all unto damnation All the dark lord knows is his hunger for power All the dark lord knows is consume and become omniscient! Darkness enshrouds humanity Within a shadow of uncertainty Travelling through the endless abyss As the abyss stares back at us! Countless aversions drawn behind the curtains, forgotten illusions defying all gods Lying awake under infinite darkness Nightmares leak into reality! Countless aversions drawn behind the curtains, forgotten illusions defying all gods Lying awake under infinite darkness Nightmares now reality! Oh, what an atramentous occasion my dear Fear not for a new realm awaits within me Fear not the shadowy descent of Gaia is the dawning of a new age Frozen encased in anguish There is no ending in sight while millions die in poverty This world begins to crave the light! Frozen encased in anguish There is no ending in sight while millions die in poverty This world begins to crave the light! Enjoy the journey whilst it lasts! There is a realm that lies within There is a light at the end