Welcome to this gathering my serpent brethren! Its time to enter the next stage of the new world order Their minds have been weakened by our constant cerebral bombardment We have lead them into total enslavement We must reform an alliance with the annunaki So that all the earths riches can be reunited Not for long they've been set for relocation We will inhabit a new planet before this year is done With black hearts and a serpents tongue Condemned my species Corruption has won With black eyes and a serpents tongue My plan is done The seed is planted Fear me!!! I am the destroyer of worlds Secret societies feed on greed Bow before this killing machine! Every new born fetus ripped from the belly of a whore Will be brought unto the new world order The riches of the earth were taken by the annunaki millennia ago Bound for safe keeping but little did we know Thee annunaki are a no show! Our planet was raped and decieved And robbed of its treasure!! Our planet was raped and decieved And robbed of its treasure!! Burning this planet down! One day at a time! We're taking over Welcome to a new generation of lies This is the new world order!