The overture is over and the angel takes the stage She belts an aria with fairy dust and turns to walk away The men in the crowd all cheer for more While the boy in the front row swears he's seen her before A shot rings out in the auditorium It echoed off the atrium and through the baroness's lung The boy in the front row leaps on stage to save her soul A staged attack, it fades to black, bringing out the opera in us all The ambulance arrives in time at the scene of the crime The audience cheers as the young boy's fears all come to life The monster in the balcony makes his getaway While the boy with the angel in his arms swears to make the monster pay A shot rings out in the auditorium It echoed off the atrium and through the baroness's lung The boy in the front row leaps on stage to save her soul A staged attack, it fades to black, bringing out the opera in us all Bring out your dead, the siren screams a metronome To the actress's head, you know that it has to be so The eyes of the beast are gripping at first and then they release You're under the gun and under attack, there's no going back And the power of good will compel you The devil's ears can make out your mood, discover your fears You're under the gun, it's aimed at your heart, your story is done And the power of good will compel you I will divide you I will destroy you I will make you feel numb Do you feel numb?