Twilight filled with bitter cold Shadows descend over the hills The earth succumbs to night�s obscurity The moon�s radiance falls heavy on the trees Enthralled in the majesty of open nothing I walked the plains of the snowy oblivion Unable to make out what lies ahead I journeyed onward into the gale Dark and ancient skies loomed above No stars could be seen through the impenetrable storm Demonic shrieks echoed through the snow Forgotten apparitions glowed red in the distance As I ventured out, they vanished into the abyss And reappeared in the depths of my mind They existed in the channels of my mind for centuries And uttered spells predicting my forthcoming destruction They reiterated what I had known for ages (or so it seemed?) That my fate was to be found somewhere in this storm They spoke of my end for what seemed a lifetime And haunted the halls of thought with their declarations There were times when I questioned my ability to question I let myself go and slipped into the Hellish cold I listened to invocations being made on the winds I heard the ghastly tales of my mortal end And gained pleasure from their icy chants Suddenly the winds bayed in a depressing agony The incantations made from wandering voices ceased The lord of the storms groaned and departed The storm receded and I was left in isolation All was left in an icy shell All was left in Blue Hell Times end thus manifested into my own The winds pick up Dark clouds move in Time elapses ...and shadows descend