VOUS Worship

Who On Earth Compares

VOUS Worship

Tom: Dm

[Intro] Dm7  Bb9  F  C4

[Primeira Parte]

Dm7                  Bb9
You don’t shift like shadows
F                   C4
You don’t sink like sand
Dm7                  Bb9
You don’t drift like water
F                        C4
In your steadfast love I stand
Dm7                   Bb9
You don’t change like culture
F                     C4
You don’t weaken with time
Dm7              Bb9
You don’t bow to idols
F                      C4
Your kingdom reigns on high


You are
  Author Maker
    Risen Lord and Savior
Bb9          C4
    Who can love me like you do
  Father Healer
   Jesus my redeemer
Bb9        C4                F
    Who on earth compares to You?

[Segunda Parte]

Dm7              Bb9
You are pure and righteous
F                C4
You are true and just
Dm7               Bb9
You are more than able
F                   C4
How perfect is your love
Dm7            Bb9
You will go before me
F                C4
You will stand behind
    Dm7               Bb9
Surround me with your glory
   F               C4
So faithful all my life

[Interlúdio] Bb9  Dm7  F  C
             Bb9  Dm7  F  C


Bb9             Dm7
    All I am and all I do
F           C
  Let it be all for you