A stab in the heart as I lay down to die It's over and I'm dead, now there be no more Why this ever happened I'll never know why But now is your turn your turn to die... you turn to die No way Back Something's coming over me, release my soul And let me be free I tried to fly With broken wings. I'm down in the dirt I feel so hurt Your lied you cheated you fucked me over and I can't take this anymore I'll kill you Lying in wait - I'm watching you Lying in wait - I'm here with you now Lying in wait - I'm coming with you I'll kill you then myself As it seems it was just a dream. I'm your lover Now you'll die with me It should never end this way. It should never End like this Feel- the- wind- a cold chill- its time- to go- its time to kill Can't keep living - life this way with broken Dreams of yesterday