In my silent room I listen for the ghosts of my desires... And like a cold romance I close my eyes and reach to touch you somewhere Between these faded sheets I strip you down and hold you so close to me Is there someone here or just desperate dreams of you here in my room In my silent room a memory of your touch passes through me And in the air I breathe a scent of your sweet body lingers softly I can hear your voice pleading me to fall deep into submission But there is nothing here - nothing more than dreams Dreams here in my room Here I wait in silence It is cold and it is dark I lay still in anticipation For the warmth of your embrace I poured out my soul to you I ripped out my heart for you And it's getting colder And I'm getting older Come break the silence of this night... In my silent room with nothing more than faith to keep me breathing And in my broken world where moments lost in time return to haunt me I call out your name and I can see your face - words escaping your lips But you are nothing here - nothing more than this... Silence here in my room