Visceral Evisceration

Exposive Surgery

Visceral Evisceration

Sharpening up the axe 
Need to have it sharp and shiny 
Envisioning his death 
Absolute mayhem 
Gonna open up this bastard 
Invicerate his body 
Hold him down to the ground tie him up 
Anger rising 
So vicious is my being 
I cannot control my hatred 

Rip the clothing off his body 
Piece by piece I strip him naked 
He's gonna suffer explosive surgery 
Violently eviscerated 
Body pierced with sticks 
Nailed down to the ground 
Head cracked open by the stone 
Smashing, pounding 
His face unrecognizable due to the severe beating 

Cracking bones with every blow, I enjoy the slaughter 
Blood is pumping 
I stand and watch him spastic twitching 
It makes my juices flow 
I can't help but smile as I start separating skin from tissue 
I'm obsessed by the thought of removing every vital organ 
Leave him in a pool of blood 

The ribcage now I see 
Furiously I bend it open with my crowbar 
The bones are shattered 
I know this fucker is still breathing 
Suffering my treatment 
Working down in his bowels with my axe 
Slice in random 
This autopsy is for exposure 
Soon his body holds no organs 

Messy bloody pile of gore 
He's empty now my work is done 
He has suffered my explosive surgery