Helpless, not really much that I can do Hopeless, needing something to pull me through Clueless, and the answer is not in view Careless, should have known that it all begins in You CHORUS: Through Your name I can do all things, through Your love You strengthen me Through Your name I can do all things Through Your name Do it all through your name Fighting, surmounting impossibilities Feeling, feeling the joy of victory So I'm not afraid Not ashamed to praise Your name (Now I'm) knowing that You're gonna make a way for me BRIDGE: Blind men start seeing (I can see that) Lame men start running (running) Deaf men start hearing (they're gonna hear) At the sound of your name Lord Demons lose power (it's all gone) Strongholds are broken (and power) Power is spoken When we speak through your name CHANNEL: Nothing's impossible to me All things are possible You see And now there's nothing I can't be Through Your name, through your name - I can do it through your name VAMP: Blind men are seeing through Your name Lame men are walking through Your name Deaf men are hearing through your name I can do it through Your name Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb of God Hallelujah for the yoke is broken Blind men who couldn't see started seeing (Take a look at the lame man) Lame men who couldn't run started running (Just stated running to the deaf man) Deaf men who couldn't hear stated hearing (Just heard about the blood of the Lamb) I can do it through Your name