Violent Femmes


Violent Femmes

Tom: Db

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 20:17:01 -0500
From: Bryson Meunier 

        No one else bothered to post this so I took the liberty of figuring
it out myself. It may not be exactly right, but it sounds like it is.
Corrections, comments and questions are welcome at *
Beyond that, my only advice is to play it fast with as much attitude as you
can muster.

written by Gordon Gano
Transcribed by Bryson Meunier
>From "Add It Up"
guitar solos and lyrics included(I'm including the lyrics because all I
really have is the guitar solos and solos alone do not a tab file make).


See a girl walkin' down the street
Just the kind of girl that I'd like to meet
It ain't her hair, her clothes, her feet
Somethin' much more discreet 

I ain't allowed baby I ain't proud
I just want what I'm not allowed
Move on up and help myself
It do a world of good for my mental health

I don't know how to tell you this but I'm gettin bored 

guitar solo 1:
(You'll have to figure out the timing on your own but when played at the
same speed, with the same feel, this arrangement sounds very similar to the cd).

Man oh man oh man oh man
I got a red hot plan have you understand
It cannot fail it's plain to see
I'm havin' fun and makin' money
I know this summer's gonna be the best
If I don't die from lack of rest
"Experience" what my daddy said
That's what I got just like he said
I don't know if I should tell you this 
but I's gettin bored and I got my kicks!

Something special, about her personality
Something special, about her physiology

Guitar solo 2:

(Again, you're on your own as far as timing is concerned. Also again, I know
this isn't exact but it definitely sounds similar when played correctly.
Don't follow the numerical indicators in the last part of this solo
verbatim. Just use them as a guideline and walk up the neck to a tune that
suits you).

symbols used in transcription:

This is my first post so I really would appreciate any input. Send it to
*  Thanks and have fun with the post.

Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 19:08:07 -0500
From: * (Bryson Meunier)

This is a small correction meant to be added to the already
existing"*" file at OLGA. The hammer-ons are actually meant to
be pull-offs. So it's not 7h5 but rather 7p5. Maybe this was
self-explanatory given the numbers' relation to one another but I thought
I'd correct it anyway for the sake of clarity.I apologize for the mistake
but I posted it around finals week and I wasn't in complete control of my
senses.  Remarkably,though, the solos still sound decent to me. Write me if
you disagree.