Mumia – his fights has awakened the state’s hate Ambushed by the cops with his younger brother as bait Someone else was seen fleeing the scene in time A police's corpse was left behind, but who’s to blame for this crime? One of many history of mankind racial prejudice A hard blow against a man who had to pay, pay for their price Imposed on him due to his reaction against social status quo A Black Panther encaged and rotting in jail since a long time ago Free Mumia Mumia Abu Jamal Free Mumia Justice above it all - Victim of racial war Unfair – Mumia was arrested, tried and sentenced to death Not only blind is the American Justice, but it is also deaf It cannot hear the world’s voices pleading for a fair trial Meanwhile he is in jail watching the clockwork dial Free Mumia Mumia Abu Jamal Free Mumia Justice above it all - A victim of racial War