Vineyard Music

You Are God

Vineyard Music

Tom: A

You are God of the heavens and God of the earth
        D                                A 
You are God of our Saviour’s virgin birth 
You were God on the cross and God over hell
         D                                  A 
You were God before man and God when he fell 

A        Bm7
You, You are
You are God
        D    A/C# Bm7
You are God, God, God
A        Bm7 
You, You are 
You are God
        D    A/C# Bm7
You are God, God, God 

You are God in what seems like happenstance
        D                       A 
You are God in every circumstance 
You are God when we fall and God when we stand
        D                        A 
You are God who holds us in Your hand