I just can't believe that you wasted me in this Do you really want me to answer this? Yes, I guess I feel like I'm trapped in Yes, I guess I sometimes feel like my life was already been mapped There are things that are best left out And there are thoughts there are best kept inside my head Yes, I want to elope sometimes Pack my stuffs and scape sometimes But how could I be more satisfied than I am right now? Sometimes it doesn't feel right to feel good Sometimes it feels like I shouldn't be more I want you to stop this right now You're not getting anywhere, anyhow Yes, I sometimes feel like a man feels when a man is feeling trapped There are things that are best left out And there are thoughts there are best kept inside my head Yes, I want to elope sometimes Pack my stuffs and scape sometimes But how could I be more satisfied than I am right now? Sometimes it doesn't feel right to feel good Sometimes it feels like I shouldn't be more