Tom: D You killed your European son you spit on those under twenty-one But now your blue clouds have gone you'd better say so long, hey-hey-hey, bye-bye-bye You made your wallpapers green you want to make love to the scene Your European son is gone you'd better say so long, your clouds driftin' goodbye * all the strings downtuned a whole-tone 1d ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from e to d) 2A ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from B to A) 3F ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from G to F) 4C ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from D to C) 5G ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from A to G) 6D ----- * downtuned a whole-tone (from E to D)