Streaming wind, waves washing the sand I'm looking at the letter you once gave me Slowly the sun chases this disappearing life Bringing with it the deepness of the cold night Sinking deeper in the sand, it holds me down tight The waves steal my weight, swallow my only rhythm See the falling sun Hear the sound of waves Whisper the loud silence Touch the moonlight See the falling sun Hear the sound of waves Whisper the loud silence Touch the moonlight The world laying in front of me, never to recover The flames will go out and soon, there will be no other Song of the sea ringing over the wet land As the eye of the sky falls below like a knife See the falling sun Hear the sound of waves Whisper the loud silence Touch the moonlight The shallow breathing slowly stopping This sunset is breeding my tomb But soon I'll hear the waves and breathing above My beginning veiled in Scarlet A new heartbeat Another set of heartbreaks Sounding together