Veggie Tales

Ballad Of The Pie War

Veggie Tales

The Great War began 
Upon the first pie thrown
Between the Rhubarb Empire 
And the Kingdom Scone.
While the pies did sail
And men fell - creamed,
Rose a family united
And a house redeemed

This is a tale 
of a Princess and a Duke 
and a Mother-in-law...
Who's related to the Princess 
Who at the end of the story 
Becomes related to the Duke 
It's kind of complicated...
It happened once upon a time...

Duke, Duke 
His name is Duke.
A snappy dresser 
and an upright Cuke!
Most folks say 
he is a handsome man,
With the rough dimensions 
of a rack of lamb!

Sweet, Sweet 
Petunia Sweet.
Her eyes are sparkly 
and her hair is neat.
She was named the princess 
of her senior prom,
Now she lives as a peasant 
with her aging mom.

Love, Love 
True, true love 
The kind most fairy tales 
are made up of
But we've heard these stories 
and if we're correct 
True love's a little different 
than you'd expect.

Oh Duke, 
The people of Scone 
Are turning against you 
For showing kindness 
Toward Petunia.

Love, Love 
True, True Love! 
The kind this fairytale
is made up of! 
We reiterate our theme,
Now so well rehearsed;
True Love's the kind of love
That thinks of others first! 

True Love's the kind of love 
That thinks of others first!