Brought forth in rabid illness - a curse in golden halls Frenzy - be my name, nesting in the cyclones eyes. The works Of torture shaped as bones. Flesh crafted by godlike wrath, dead Eyes in the cavities. Cursed in throat - vomiting words of Profanes and plagues - as roaring thunders from above Striking each and every futile man, punish life. The works of Torture shaped and bones, flesh crafted by godlike wrath. Each Mouth open in terror, each heart put to rest. Curses on repeat - Punishing life. The earth will gape to swallow the limbs From birth cursed - in the grave blessed - to rest undisturbed Run across these fields, the curse that I bear... Brough forth In rabid illness - a plague without a cure. Fire be my guide Lead me to the blooming fields and I shall leave them as Lifeless deserts! Lead me to where a hope takes form and it Shall be vanished! From birth cursed - in the grave blessed. Run Across these fields, the curse that I bear. Welcoming worms