In a far away land, that full of magic it was There was a deep and mystery cave Into its darkness contains enormous treasures and objects of magic But they were protected by a big dragon Fearless, I decide to enter and look for the portal I was ready in front of the beast and to the portal I run The furious beast said to me "Die you human insect!" and throwed itself over me Quickly I entered the portal and said with devotion "Take me to the top Take me in front of god I have some things to clear up, if the creator exists" Then I found myself surrounded by a strange light and in that very moment I knew it was him Then I asked him "Why if you are so good and forgive it all has the inferno to exist?" And he answered "Listen this, kid, what I have to tell: I am the good and the evil You are in paradise and in hell You decide what is good or bad 'Cause I am your voice" Then I understood the action was god Good or bad don't care about what And this is the reason why world isn't perfect 'Cause just turn and turn to convenience Take me to the top Take me in front of god I have some things to clear up If the creator exist