They are just riddles, peices of information Stuck together, like the seam Of a dress, dressed to kill, all dressed up Like a salad Like a nun, with a habit, wrenching her fingers As she wonders why she's there Oil leaking through the pipelines, into my body I reach out, to grab a thread, of revolt Where can I put it? We only see them as they And that is what they hide behind When they are seen as one, they command respect With their big black cars And their big black ties and their big black ties And their big black ties Hex hex hex exxon transcanada highway of hell And one day I will follow suit as I fly away on my reindeer I will sink their private islands and I will blow their houses down I have slept with the enemy, and I have seen his soul It was black and it was tarnished and he was angry He is an angry man Maybe someday I'll get used to it, maybe some day Don't let me get used to it