Tom: A D Hello, Mr. Record man, word has it that you plan. E To let me make a record in a week or two. A Dont you see its not like that, A7 I realize you aint too fat, G D E7 A7 D But surely you could front me just a little bit more time. D Hello Mr. Agent Man, word has it that you plan, E To cancel out my one-night stand in Oshawa. A My manager misspells my name, A7 And tells me things arent quite the same, G D E7 A7 D When fingers started pointing, he exclaimed that it was mine. G And how are you Mom and Dad? Bm The news, it sure made me sad, Em (barre) A B7 To hear that dear old Brownie slipped away.. .. E G#m I guess things just come and go, C#m E Nothing stays the same you know, B G A A7 Im sorry I didnt come to say hello on Christmas Day.. D And hello, Mr. Public, I just stopped by to play a lick, E Tried to look enthusiastic and could not raise a smile. A I guess its time to leave the road, A7 And hang up eighteen years or so, G D E7 A7 D It sure aint an easy thing to sell this old guitar.