Unreal Overflows

Is There Anybody Outside?

Unreal Overflows

I am locked in alone between your walls
Door closed, window closed, light's off
I am locked in alone like a disowned
Who is gonna take me out of here?
This case is a torture for my senses
I am locked in alone with my hopes
Will I emerge of here some day?

Insomnia, tiredness, this is my world where every day
Is a fight to survive to myself
It is a nightmare, is the same every day

Time is finished. Illusion is getting lost
Patience is consuming quickly
Dreams are disappearing
Hardly time for one more tear

When will this bad dream finish?
I am tired of being here inside

Who is gonna take me out?
Nobody will come
Nobody knows I am here inside
Time runs so slow
The dreams finished
The time to disappear is here

Perhaps I do no want to be saved
Perhaps I like to be locked in
Because here I am powerful

I am locked in alone inside myself
Eyes closed, ears closed, heart closed
I am locked in alone with my memories
Who is gonna take me out of here?
Death throes, despair, everywhere around
I am locked in alone thinking about
How I have reached this situation

So it is my world, dark and deep as a hole
Where every second is a life
Infinite lives in a life
Dead in life

Time is ending. Illusion is getting lost
Patience is consuming quickly
Dreams are disappearing
No time for one more tear

Nobody will come
Nobody knows I am here inside
Time runs no longer
The dreams finished
The time to disappear is here