Standing alone, on the edge of a dream, I'm falling forward and you are there. Over the mountain tops, Over the ocean, spray on your wings, You fly like an eagle, you're soaring free. Catching the currents that Will send you higher on Icarus' wings, Defying gravity's realm. Dance with the angels, The force of the wind caresses your body, Feel the warm touch of the sun light. Don't get too close or you'll cast a self doubt on what you were told Escape from reality's hold All of this time I've been waiting To reach for the stars in the sky You spend all your life recreating And once more you wish you could fly From the land that lay dormant the lushness appears You search for perfection but nothing's there Over the mountain tops Over the ocean, spray on your wings, You flew like the eagle so wild and free. Catching the currents that Will send you higher on Icarus' wings Defying gravity's realm by Vagner "Sieg" Saraiva