last call and a busty blonde gives in sucked up in a swig of midnight skin sad eyes try to force a thinline smile cheap touch and an even cheaper gin pants much too tight for her these lights too bright for her quick ride to a place she knows too well she walks in front of me unaware that i can see weak lies that she sells to selfish men and i'm walking home again eyes shut to pretend tonight might last full moon silhouettes a twilight past heart thin and her thoughts begin to spin slow drag to forget the touch so fast pants much too tight for her these lights too bright for her quick ride to a place she knows too well she walks in front of me unaware that i can see weak lies that she sells to selfish men and i'm walking home again stand slow to a copper glow 'round ten late lunch with a few white collar men two shots and a new sad song begins tick tock and it's half past once-again