Come with me little child I shall show you the mysteries of God Accept the seed of his servants Your flesh is weak but I shall bless you Undress so the lord can see you In all the glory of your youth Let me touch you with hands divine Touch me and I'll save your soul from damnation I am a priest in God's holy church The servant of our Lord In this house I speak with His voice And act by his hands What have I done, am I wrong somehow? Oh father, please, don't touch me like that I feel dirty, why do you do this to me? I don't want to say your prayers, God doesn't listen.... Heresy! In the presence of God! Now you must pray with me for God's grace.... I spread the words of the holy book The divine truth above truth And without question I carry out These messages of glorious light What have I done, am I wrong somehow? Oh father, please, don't touch me like that I feel dirty, why do you do this to me? I don't want to say your prayers, God doesn't listen....