In trance I behold the ruination of reality Burning visions pass before my eyes In the midst of a creation falling apart Life is a lie, nothing is real Behind thy eyes I see your lies, everything around us die I can hear the cries of anguish as your blood now freeze to ice Behind thy eyes wherein it lies your worn and wormeaten disguise Haste away and hide behind it, in the end we´re all just lice Dark times behind still darker days ahead The final dawn that rise will burn us all Holy books and prayers for your lives are useless Your words will matter none when we´re all dead Into extermination we are running blindly forward To be cleansed away forever wiped away by our own hands Sweeping all around us with us in our fall to darkness Deep into the abyss we are banished, cursed and cast away In misery and utter degradation Show me how your sacred lies can save your pityful souls Rise you shall not There´s no god watching over your lives, no saviours to take your vows Rise you shall not Behind thy eyes I see your lies, everything around us die I can hear the cries of anguish as your blood now freeze to ice Behind thy eyes wherein it lies your worn and wormeaten disguise Haste away and hide behind it In the end we´re all just lice Infesting our world