All our knowlegde lead us to a past Where myth creatures and stories rest I'm sure I'm not the first and not even the last To find out that we don't have the bless G.O.D.! Can you explain why? All these shits! survive for too much time Inside me! I know how would you feel If you see! That this is not so real Are you feeling this? This is blasfemy Do you believe him? Come with us to show all (how it mean/so you and me) How could you Use the people and make them fools? using yours lies as shots to kill the true fucking words to turn they poors! i am the blank page where you write your words made of shit Where you paint your world made of shit where you draw yourself made of shit you Should show to everyone How all things are done And show how make sense Don't let you fall from grace Our mission is gone and let your life turn in a better thing For all the societies! All this world that is mad of shit All your faith that is made of shit